WeekFiscalToDate ( Yearnr ; WeeknrOfYear ; Firstweekday )
Calculate date from fiscal-weeknumber and year
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Menno van Beek - Show more from this author
Van Beek Zakelijke Software https://www.vbzs.nl |
WeekFiscalToDate ( 2015 ; 5 ; 1 )
WeekFiscalToDate ( 2015 ; 5 ; 2 )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function works more or less as the inverse function of WeekOfYearFiscal(), which is built into Filemaker. Only instead of calculating the weeknumber, it calculates the date for the given day of the given fiscal weeknr. If the Firstweekday is set to 2 it'll calculate a date from the ISO-weeknumber.
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