QuantileNormal ( mean ; standardDeviation ; p )
Inverse normal cumulative distribution function
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Jeremy Bante https://github.com/jbante/ |
QuantileNormal ( 1 ; 2 ; .3 ) ;
QuantileNormal ( 3 ; 2 ; .1 ) ;
QuantileNormal ( 4 ; 6 ; .7 ) ;
QuantileNormal ( 8 ; 9 ; .4 ) ;
QuantileNormal ( "" ; "" ; .999 )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Returns the value from the specified normal distribution such that other values sampled from the same distribution fall below that value with p probability. This is sometimes known as the probit function in other programming environments.
This function is dependent on the ErrorFunctionInverse custom function.
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