Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetLatitudeLongitude ( ukPostcode )

Retuns a value list with the latitude and longitude for a UK Postcode.

  Average rating: 4.6 (26 votes) Log in to vote

ChrisJ   ChrisJ

  Sample input:
GetLatitudeLongitude ( "SW1A 2AA" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Retuns a value list with the latitude and longitude for a UK Postcode. Requires internet access and 360ScriptMaster Plugin with GetURLasText registered.



Anatole Beams   Anatole Beams, Anatole Beams Digital Media
Jun 21, 2023
I think is not available any more.
Does anyone know if there any other alternative sites that work with this function?
Anatole Beams   Anatole Beams, Anatole Beams Digital Media
Jun 21, 2023
Further to my previous comment, you can substitute the service from Fetchify into the function:
(Note: you have to register to receive an access key)
Anatole Beams   Anatole Beams, Anatole Beams Digital Media
Jun 21, 2023
... plus the returned text gives you Lat/Long, OS coords, country code, country, nhs region, county code, admin codes, district, & ward

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