Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

LengthConvert ( Number , From , To )

Converts Lenghts between m, cm, in, ft and yd

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Ibrahim Bittar Torres   Ibrahim Bittar Torres - Show more from this author
Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.

  Sample input:
LengthConvert ( 1 , "in" , "cm" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This is a small but useful function if you need to quickly convert between the most common lenght units.



Robert Schaub   Robert Schaub, EastHampton
May 31, 2013
Cool ... and Length is spelled wrong

And another parameter called Number

Function is now
Number * Case( .....
Ibrahim Bittar   Ibrahim Bittar, León, MX
May 31, 2013
Done, thanks for the correction.
Henk Brendel   Henk Brendel, Arnhem
May 31, 2013
And we do need semicolons instead of commas nowadays...
Daniele Raybaudi   Daniele Raybaudi, ACI
Jun 1, 2013
It is better to use decimal numbers in the form of a power of 10 ( the dot is not everywhere a symbol of separation of decimals )
So, for example:

From = "m" and To = "in" ; 393700787402 *10 ^ - 10 ;
From = "m" and To = "ft" ; 3280839895 *10 ^ - 9 ;

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