Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

SeparateStringtypes ( text ; separator )

inserts Separator between numeric and other characters.

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Maarten Witberg   Maarten Witberg - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
SeparateStringtypes ( "ABC123Z" ; "-" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function was written to format user-defined product serials that consist of alphanumeric strings. Original question posed here:

The function is recursive. From the rightmost character it compares two adjacent characters and inserts separator where they don't match. Then recurses to the next character by entering the input text minus 1 character.
Please note that any non-numerical character is treated as text, so $&#% are bracketed in with alpha characters.



jose   jose, Los Angeles, California
Sep 5, 2013
How I can convert a field containing numeric and alpha to text.
Z45 = Z four five
ML7899+ ML seven eight nine nine
642103 = six zero three two one four
7552.32= seven five five two. trhee two

Maarten Witberg   Maarten Witberg
Sep 5, 2013
Hi Jose,

Well this function was not designed for that purpose. There are to the best of my knowledge various custom functions available here at that can do what you want. For instance . That function is not by me and I have not tested it.

Good luck,


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