StringToCode39 ( text )
Generates a code39 string with checksum
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Gary - Show more from this author
GC Consulting |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
The output of this function generates a valid code39 barcode string with checksum and start and stop characters. If a barcode font is installed the correct barcode is generated.
Converts a string of up to 7 characters into a valid code39 string with the checksum character, resulting in 8 characters plus start and stop characters.
Non-valid code39 characters are omitted (but only, when number of allowed characters + number of unallowed characters ≤ 7)
You can input lower case characters, they are converted into valid upper case characters.
Author: Gary Czychi
Date: 08/14/2013
P.S.: There is probably a much more elegant solution and I would like to hear from you when you have it.
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