Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Timecode_To_Frames ( timecode ; fps )

Convert film and tv timecode into frame count

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Mike Parsons   Mike Parsons

  Sample input:
Timecode_To_Frames ( 01:05:20:02 ; 29.97 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Converts film and tv timecode strings eg 01:05:20;02 @ 29.97 fps into a framecount in this case 117484

The calculation traps for the special case of drop frame 29.97 timecode and allows for all other interger fps values.



HOnza   HOnza, Prague
Oct 24, 2013
I suggest you rename this function as Timecode_To_Frames ;-)
Mike   Mike
Oct 24, 2013
Ha thanks for that - id discovered the plugin I used didn't want to work anymore so dug out my old timecode calcs, I thought I'd uploaded all 6 but it seems only one stuck. I'm on a movie at the moment but will put up the rest next week when I get home.
I also had a heap of key code calcs but other than as a history lesson be a bit pointless uploading them.


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