Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

fnRandom ( minValue ; maxValue )

A better random, between a min and max value

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Rob Poelking   Rob Poelking - Show more from this author
Kiza Solutions

  Sample input:
fnRandom ( -20; 30; 1 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I have always found FileMaker's built in Random function completely useless on it's own. Not that the function IS useless, but the random value I always needed was some whole integer. So I was always multiplying it and rounding it. Other times, I needed values that were between a minimum and a maximum. This function solved that particular issue for me.

The problem with the suggested calculation minValue + Round ( Random * ( maxValue - minValue + 1 ); PrecisionDigits ) was that if min and max are 1 and precision is 0, then you could get 2 erroneously.



comment   comment, VR
Jan 1, 2014
Couldn't it be simpler?

minValue + Int ( Random * ( maxValue - minValue + 1 ) )
Rob   Rob, Monk Media
Dec 2, 2016
VR - just discovered an error that when min and max are both 1 and precision is 0, then you could get 2 as a result which would be wrong. I know you're thinking, why would you ever do that but programmatically fetching a random value that could cycle down (as in a loop) you could get the wrong value.

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