Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Contains ( Text ; SearchStrings )

Determine whether Text contains any of the strings contained in SearchStrings ('or' logic)

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Bill Thurmes   Bill Thurmes - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
Contains ( 24128 ; 412 )
( "CA¶CO¶DE¶IA¶MN¶ND¶SD" ; "GA¶FL" )
Contains ( "Jim,Jane" ; "m\,J" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Determine whether Text contains any of the strings contained in SearchStrings ('or' logic)
In SearchStrings strings should be separated by commas, semicolons, or ¶
To include commas, semicolons, ¶ (to be matched) in SearchStrings, include \ before them
Restriction: the following !-containing strings may not be part of SearchStings: !c! !s! !p!
Similar to Position function but will assess several SearchStrings, gives 0 or 1 (No or Yes) as Result
By the way, where did the "Contains" name come from? HyperTalk, if anyone remembers that.
Updated April 2017 with no change of function, just easier-to-understand formatting and commenting



John Vermeulen   John Vermeulen, Amsterdam (Holland)
Jan 10, 2016
Hi there,
Great function. This is almost what I'm looking for.
I'm still figuring out the recursive part but I'm looking for a way to determine whether Text contains all (instead of of any) of the strings contained in SearchStrings. Is this perhaps possible with an extra parameter?
Thanks in advance
Bill Thurmes   Bill Thurmes, MDCA
Jan 23, 2016
Check out ContainsAll. I wrote it just for you. I had tried to make the Contains function conceptually simple; making a new function rather than adding an additional parameter to this one made more sense to me. Also, the names of the two describe their functions very well now. However, the way I wrote ContainsAll is such that you could add an additional parameter to your own copy of that to mimic the Contains function (just do a PatternCount or position looking for any 1s).

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