TimeAsDecimal ( xTime )
Convert normal formatted time ( hh:mm:ss ) into decimal time ( x,xx )
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Michael Bijnens freelance developer / |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This custom function converts normal formatted time ( hh:mm:ss ) into decimal time ( x,xx ).
I also developed another convertor ( DecimalAsTime ).
markus schneider, switzerland May 15, 2014 |
in the 'define var' - section, the last ';' has to be removed (after 'minutes') | ||
Michael Bijnens, Belgium May 16, 2014 |
@ Markus Schneider: Thanks for the comment.. I have corrected it ! |
Mr. Pascal Goossens, Bastogne Jul 19, 2017 |
Merci beaucoup, je vais le tester dès demain | ||
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