Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Calculates the system download folder by modifying the document folder path.

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Mike Beargie   Mike Beargie - Show more from this author
MainSpring, Inc.

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JBante tweeted a request that there be a native Get(DownloadsPath) function. In the meantime I figure I'd toss this together as a way to calculate the path. This will probably need updated for things like iOS and such, but the jist of it is to take the documents path, slice off the "Documents" part of the name and append "Downloads" in it's place.

I could see this being expanded to use get(systemversion) and get(systemplatform) as well to account for differences in windows file paths and for iOS. But for now, at least in the most recent OS versions, this functions appropriately.



Adam Glick   Adam Glick, HelpDesk, Inc.
Aug 17, 2015
nifty and handy. thanks! using this to dump exported container files to the logged-in user's downloads folder and automatically view them.

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