Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GoogleMapsByAddress ( Street ; Suburb ; State ; PostCode ; Zoom ; WebViewerObjectName )

Google Maps Address from fields in iframe

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Benjamin Hadfield   Benjamin Hadfield
Knowledge & information Management (KiM)

  Sample input:
GoogleMapsbyAddress ( Project::Delivery Address ; Project::Delivery Suburb ; Project::Delivery State ; Project::Delivery PostCode ; 15 ; "WV_MyWebViewerObject" )
  Sample output:
data:text/html, NavText

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

i Cant take full credit for this CF as i worked off the

GoogleMapsByCoords Function also posted on this site by Yvonne Dutreaux

Gives you an embedded google map in iFrame to suit 2014 google maps change in api



Stan Millar   Stan Millar, Springwood, Qld
Mar 25, 2014
Hi Benjamin

I just tried your function. It works - sort of.

I no longer get the warning from Google about the API but al I get is a grey box - no map shows.

Any suggestions?


Lee Smith   Lee Smith
Mar 25, 2014
I didn’t have any problems, it work for my home address.
Benjamin   Benjamin, Sydney, NSW
Mar 25, 2014

Would need to see your syntax to really be of any assistance...

**for a limited time only example file**

**for a limited time only example file**
Lee Smith   Lee Smith
Mar 25, 2014
oops My test was with v11, however when I opened your demo file in 13, and got a grey screen for the existing data, and so I entered my address it also is grey?
Benjamin Hadfield   Benjamin Hadfield, Sydney NSW
Mar 26, 2014
Ok well, It works perfectly for me in both fp7 and fmp12

what values you are entering for...
What OS your using:
What you named you WebViewer:

Lee Smith   Lee Smith
Mar 27, 2014
What difference could that make. I am speaking of the file you submitted. The data that you entered does not work in your file. I then entered my own info in a new record with the same result.

I don’t see a reason that it is working in 11 and breaks in 13?
Benjamin Hadfield   Benjamin Hadfield, Sydney NSW
Mar 27, 2014

Correct me If I'm wrong here, didn't your previous post say it was working fine?

For what possible reason would I submit a file that does not work?!
What I've said and am saying is it DOES work in both file formats as I am looking at it right now.

So twice I have asked for your syntax and the values you have entered in order to help you work out
What you are doing wrong or how what I have written is breaking.

Because I am looking at it working fine in both my vertical market solution of over 200 sites in .fp7 format
And I have it working fine in .fmp12 format.
You answering my questions is the only way I can assist you...

So without asking three times, I wish you luck in your future development projects/work,
and hope you have a nice day.
Patrick Hentsch-Cowles   Patrick Hentsch-Cowles, Dallas, Texas, USA
Mar 28, 2014
Hi Benjamin,

I love your CF - it's exactly what I was hoping to find to work around Google maps' new iframe requirement for embedded maps.

Your CF and your .fmp12 file DO work in Filemaker version 12. The interesting thing is that it also works when I use it in Filemaker version 13, but the Webviewer doesn't render the html as anything other than a grey-filled iframe... I believe it's about FM13 and not your code. But I haven't found a solution around this problem...

Any thoughts?

Lee Smith   Lee Smith
Mar 28, 2014
The file I created \Version 11 worked as I stated.

The file I created in Version 13 failed, the results was confirmed by Patrick.

Your own file also failed in version 13.

My setup is

Macintosh OS Maverick and Safari is my default browser.

I also created a new file in version 12, and it gave the same result.
I redownloaded your file, and opened in version 12. The map drew and then turned to gray as if I had opened it in version 13.

I hope this helps.
Benjamin Hadfield   Benjamin Hadfield, Sydney NSW
Mar 29, 2014
Not sure what to say other than I created it in fmpa13
Haven't tried it in 12
Also works fine for me in fmpa11
Lars Pettersson   Lars Pettersson, Lund Sweden
Apr 14, 2014
Has anyone else experienced the problem of getting the map cluttered by the sudden appearance of all the default login info from Google after the API change? I used to have a clean view of just a central marker based on a slightly modified version of the code above but after the API change, I get: 1) a login box/banner, 2) a "Show in Google Maps" box, 3) a "Log in to see more" text, 4) a hybrid map instead of the satellite one that the code specifies, 5) WGS84 coordinates next to the marker. The code runs on FMPA 11 on a FMPSA 11.

Have been trying to find parameter change documentation at Google but without success, have also tried using the code with a key but still get all the login stuff.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Lars
David   David
Aug 17, 2014
Pasting your example into a web object results in the flash of a map and then a gray rectangle that does not refresh or otherwise show any content

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