Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AddTimes ( Time1 ; Time2 )

Add two times, in h:mm:ss format, together

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Bill Thurmes   Bill Thurmes - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
AddTimes ( "28:35" ; "35:47" )
AddTimes ( "28:13" ; "31:30" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Time2 will be added to Time1
Entry format should be h:mm:ss, or mm:ss, or ss
Result will be in same format, dropping unneeded info from left.
If you want an h:mm:ss output, just drop the lines after t = Time (... and output t.
Primarily useful if the time format is/might be mm:ss
Changed 4/12/19 to work better



comment   comment, VR
Apr 10, 2014
Filemaker can add and subtract times natively.
Bill Thurmes   Bill Thurmes, MDCA
Apr 11, 2014
Thanks. I had needed something to add text that was in a mm:ss format, which Filemaker's native time addition doesn't deal with well. I've changed the script to use Filemaker's native capabilities.

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