XMLtag ( tag ; content ; type )
To be used in a script, returns correctly indentend xml
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Martin Spanjaard - Show more from this author
Trias Digitaal http://www.triasdigitaal.nl |
XMLtag( "FinYear" ; "number=2014" ; "single" )
XMLtag("DueDate" ; "2014-04-03" ; "closed" )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
29-01-2014 - 01-05-2014
© Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal Amserdam
XMLtag( tag ; content ; type ) returns automatically indented, correctly formatted xml-strings.
Some examples of possible output:
The output ends with a return (¶).
The parameter 'type' can have one of 4 values:
- single: the tag begins with < and ends with />
- end: the tag begins with and ends with >
- start: the tag begins with < and ends with >
- closed: - if content is given:
- if content is empty:
The content for the types 'single' and 'start' should be in the form of a string with one or more name=value pairs.
In the result the values will be quoted: name="value" and immediately follow the tag, as in the examples above.
The type 'end' does not expect content and doesn't handle it if there were content.
The correct indentation is done through the variable $xmlindents which is made in this custom function.
It exists during the script calling XMLtag.
The variable contains the number of tabs the code should be indented.
The method is:
- a start-tag raises the indentation with 1,
- an end-tag lowers it with 1.
The other tags do not change the variable.
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.