XMLtag_sub ( nameValuePairs )
Helperfunction to XMLtag. XMLtag_sub will quote the values in a string with one or more name= value pairs.
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Martin Spanjaard - Show more from this author
Trias Digitaal http://www.triasdigitaal.nl |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
29-01-2014 - 01-05-2014
© Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal Amserdam
Helperfunction to the custom function XMLtag.
This custom function will quote the values in a string with one or more name= value pairs.
For example:
type=30 linetype=0 line=10 status=50
will be returned as:
type="30" linetype="0" line="10" status="50"
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