ValuePosition ( valuelist ; searchvalue )
Get position number of the search value from the value list
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Michael Bijnens freelance developer / |
a¶b¶c¶d¶e¶f" ;
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This CF gives you the position number of the search value from the given value list ( array separated by ¶ ).
oliver Jun 3, 2014 |
ValuePosition ( "a¶b¶c¶b¶a" ; "a" ) = 5; and ValuePosition ( "a¶b¶c¶b¶a" ; "b¶c" ) returns empty!? But then it's not necessary to employ a recursive mechanism for finding the index of the first occurrence; simply use ValueCount ( Left ( valuelist ; Position ( valuelist ; searchvalue ; 1 ; 1 ) ) ) btw. … found = Case ( lastvalue = search ; True ; False ) is the same as found = lastvalue = search and exist = Case ( PatternCount ( list ; search ) = False and not IsEmpty ( search ) ; False ; True ) is simply exist = PatternCount ( list ; search ) |
Michael Bijnens, Belgium Jun 4, 2014 |
Dear Oliver, As you can see my CF name = ValuePosition and not ValuePositionS. So its not made for more multi value searches. Try your simple example with numbers like ( 53 , 353, 121, 12 ). I have tried it in many different ways but it is not waterproof so thats why I use a recursive function. |
oliver Jun 4, 2014 |
Michael wrote: Try your simple example with numbers like ( 53 , 353, 121, 12 ) Michael – you're right, I forgot a little detail; change it to ValueCount ( Left ( valuelist ; Position ( ¶ & valuelist & ¶ ; ¶ & searchvalue & ¶ ; 1 ; 1 ) ) ) and that'll give you exactly the same functionality without recursion. Also, note that your CF returns the last position, not the first one. |
Late to the party, Shanghai Jan 8, 2016 |
// I like to use this: /* ValuePosition( _valuelist; _value ) Parameters: _valuelist: a return-delimited string of values; _value: a single-line string. Returns: an integer identifying the listed position of (the first occurrence of) _value within _valuelist, or 0, whenever the _value is not listed. */ If( // return zero when no match occurs: IsEmpty( FilterValues( _valuelist; _value ) ); 0; // FileMaker 15 should provide something like this function for us, but doesn't … Let( [ // first, bracket the arguments supplied with "¶"s: _valuelist = "¶"&_valuelist&"¶"; _value = "¶"&_value&"¶"; // locate the "¶" character immediately preceding (the first occurrence of) _value: _position = Position( _valuelist; _value; 1; 1 ); // extract all the return characters BEFORE this _position: _returns = Filter( Left( _valuelist; _position ); "¶" ); // how many are there? _valuePosition = Length( _returns ) ]; _valuePosition ) ) |
Michael Kupietz, Michael Kupietz FileMaker Consulting Nov 18, 2017 |
valuePosition ( "AB¶BC¶CD","B" ) returns an out-of-memory error due to runaway recursion. | ||
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