Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

TabNamesFrontMost ( )

Gets a return-delimited list of the object names of the frontmost (nested) tabs. Does not include sub-tabs whose parent is not ALSO frontmost. No recursion.

  Average rating: 4.6 (27 votes) Log in to vote

Daniel A. Shockley   Daniel A. Shockley
Hotel Trades Council

  Sample input:
TabNamesFrontMost ( )
  Sample output:
Contact Info
Phone Numbers

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Gets a return-delimited list of the object names of the frontmost (nested) tabs. Does not include sub-tabs whose parent is not ALSO frontmost. No recursion. Inspired by Todd Geist's similar function, but this only returns tabs whose parent is ALSO frontmost. Avoids recursion by building a calculation string that is then evaluated. To see how it works, remove the Evaluate near the end and look at the 'mainCode' variable.



Phil   Phil, Gold Coast, Qld
Jun 19, 2014
Is this for sticky tabs? i.e. return to a layout to find the tabs in the same place you left them (Without going to a new window then closing it).
Dan Shockley   Dan Shockley
Jun 19, 2014
Absolutely. You can have a script that loops over the values stored from this, going to each in turn.
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Jun 21, 2014
Nicely done. Simple, non-recursive.

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