Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

AccentLess ( s )

Removes accents and ligatures

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Robert J Woodhead   Robert J Woodhead - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
AccentLess ("Sveinbjörn Hafsteinsson Fjallabróðir"
  Sample output:
Sveinbjorn Hafsteinsson Fjallabrothir

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Replaces accented characters, ligatures, and a few special characters with their unaccented versions.

Useful when you need a straight ASCII version of a string, or when you are exporting to an app that does not properly handle character encoding (in my case, it was USPS Click-N-Ship for Business, which uses UTF8 everywhere except when printing out International Labels -- that form assumes Windows-1252, which means there is no way to print accented characters unmangled)



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