Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_postANC ( title ; subtitle ; Message ; sound )

Apple Notification Center

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Benjamin Fehr   Benjamin Fehr - Show more from this author
EfficientBizz GmbH

  Sample input:
CF_send2ANC ( "This is my title" ; "this is a text" )

cf_postANC ( "This is my title" ; "This is a subtitle" ; "this is a my message" ; "Frog" )
  Sample output:
prompts Notification Center with sound 'Frog' and Message:

This is my Title
This is a subtitle
this is a text

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Use FMP script step "PerformAppleScript" and use CF_send2ANC with Title, Subtitle, Message and Sound.
Script will post title, text and icon of host-program (usually FMP-Logo. Your own logo if performed with RunTime) in Apple's Notification Center.

Parameter "Sound" in quotes.
(Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Magic Bell, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink)

Main Credits go to: Douglas Alder - Homebase Software Publishing Ltd. for the optimised AppleScript with Sound and Subtitles



Sonia   Sonia, India
Dec 15, 2016

I think it will be great to use your this custom function.

Kindly clear: Will this customized function will send Push Notification to iOS App and the app will be downloaded from iTune Store?
EfficientBizz   EfficientBizz, Zurich
Dec 15, 2016
Hi Sonia

This is AppleScript which won't work on iOS at all.
I'ld recommend to follow this thread on the FM Developer Forum. You might find some work arounds maybe with a iApp:

Adress Apple Notification Center (ANC): iOS notification


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