ExtractingEmails ( TheText ; Separator )
Extract address eMail, what there is before and after the @ with the predefined separators. ( No to verify address )
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Agnes Barouh - Show more from this author
Tic Tac http://www.tictac.fr/CoinFileMaker/Page.html |
ExtractingEmails ( "*j.og@domain.com+address@mail.com*fr@com.net+@other*" ; "* + " )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
ExtractingEmails ( TheText ; Separator ) v1.1
to extract eM@ils
ExtractingEmails it is not a recursive function
-> No to verify address eMail, just extract what there is before and after the @ with the predefined separators.
//---------------------------------- Parameter
• TheText : Texte or List we contains eMail
• Separator : add your separator words, always separator followed by a space [sep][space][sep][space] etc
- by défault : # & ^ < \ > ¶ ( ! ) ; , : " " ”" “" ' ‘ ’ « » ? / ! [ ]
l_ "tab"
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