Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

dateLiteralEnFr ( theDate ; language ; dayOption ; yearOption )

Given a date and and a language -

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François Goulet   François Goulet
Lizzy Logik Inc.
Not applicable

  Sample input:
dateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25"; "EN" ; 2 ; "") >
dateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25"; "FR" ; 2 ; "") >
  Sample output:
FRIDAY, July 25 2014
VENDREDI, 25 juillet 2014

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

DateLiteralEnFr(language; dateField; dayOption; yearOption) v.1
DateLiteralEnFr(language; dateField; dayOption; yearOption) v.2 (Changes made to: 1 argument name and order + examples; variables presentation) - Thank you Teg!

Given a date and a language ("EN" for English" or "FR" for French), the CF returns the literal date in the chosen language.

- Options for "dayOption" are: ""; "1"; "2"; "3"; "4"
- Options for "yearOption" are: ""; "1"


DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; ""; "") > July 25 2014
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; ""; "") > 26 juillet 2014

DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; 1; "") > Friday, July 25 2014
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; 1; "") > Vendredi, 25 juillet 2014

DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; 2; "") > FRIDAY, July 25 2014
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; 2; "") > VENDREDI, 25 juillet 2014

DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; 3; "") > Friday (BOLD), July 25 2014
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; 3; "") > Vendredi (BOLD), 25 juillet 2014

DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; 4; "") > FRIDAY (BOLD), July 25 2014
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; 4; "") > VENDREDI (BOLD), 25 juillet 2014

DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "EN"; ""; "1") > July 25
DateLiteralEnFr( "2014-07-25" ; "FR"; ""; "1") > 25 juillet



eos   eos, Teg
Dec 12, 2014
Nice idea, but can be executed less convoluted; also, the argument order in your example is incorrect …


/* LiteralDate_EN_FR ( theDate ; language ; dayOption ; yearOption ) */

Let ( [
dt = theDate ;
y = Year ( dt ) ;
m = Month ( dt );
d = Day ( dt ) ;
dow = DayOfWeek ( dt ) ;

mn = Case ( language = "EN" ;
List ( "January" ; "February" ; "March" ; "April" ; "May" ; "June" ; "July" ; "August" ; "September" ; "October" ; "November" ; "December" ) ;
List ( "janvier" ; "février" ; "Mars" ; "avril" ; "mai" ; "juin" ; "juillet" ; "août" ; "septembre" ; "octobre" ; "novembre" ; "décembre" )
) ;

dn = Case ( language = "EN" ;
List ( "Sunday" ; "Monday" ; "Tuesday" ; "Wednesday" ; "Thursday" ; "Friday" ; "Saturday" ) ;
List ( "Dimanche" ; "Lundi" ; "Mardi" ; "Mercredi" ; "Jeudi" ; "Vendredi" ; "Samedi" )
) ;

do = Max ( 0 ; dayOption ) ;
yDisplay = Case ( IsEmpty ( yearOption ) ; " " & y ) ;
dn = GetValue ( dn ; dow ) ;

mnD = GetValue ( mn ; m ) ;
mnYD = ", " & mnD & " " & d & yDisplay

] ;

Choose ( do ;
mnD & yDisplay ;
dn & mnYD ;
TextStyleAdd ( dn ; Uppercase ) & mnYD ;
TextStyleAdd ( dn ; Bold ) & mnYD ;
TextStyleAdd ( dn ; Uppercase + Bold ) &
François Goulet   François Goulet, Montreal, QC Canada
Dec 12, 2014
Thanks so much for your observations and suggestions Teg.

I've already integrated some of those in v.2 of my CF (and fixed the incorrect example) as you can see. I'm leaving the calc part of the CF as is for now but will certainly run some tests using you suggested CF which is indeed less convoluted.

Thanks Again,

Bernard Moreau   Bernard Moreau, Borchtlombeek - Belgium
Dec 13, 2014
Thanks Teg for improving.

Small correction needed : "Mars" in the French months list must be written without capital : "mars".
François Goulet   François Goulet, Montreal, QC Canada
Dec 13, 2014
OUPS! Correction made...

Merci et bonne journée Bernard.

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