countryNameEnFr_FromCode ( countryCode ; language )
Given a country's ISO2 name code and a language - "En" for English or "Fr" for French - the CF returns the country's name in the selected language.
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François Goulet Lizzy Logik Inc. not applicable |
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "TZ" ; "FR") >
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "RO" ; "EN") >
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "RO" ; "FR") >
Tanzanie, République unie de
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2 ( countryISO2 ; language ) v.1
Ctredits: thanks to Geoff Wells, DataIsland Software LLC, for the inspiration provided by his "PositionValue" CF, which is integrated into this CF.
Given a country's ISO2 name code and a language -"EN" for English" or "FR" for French, the CF returns the Contry's name in the chosen language.
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "TZ" ; "EN") > Tanzania, United Republic of
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "TZ" ; "FR") > Tanzanie, République unie de
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "RO" ; "EN") > Romania
countryNameEnFr_FromISO2( "RO" ; "FR") > Roumanie
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