Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GoogleMap_Static ( webViewerName ; street ; city ; state ; zip ; country ; zoom )

Formats a URL for a

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Will Loving   Will Loving - Show more from this author
Dedication Technologies, Inc.

  Sample input:
GoogleMap_Static( "WV_1"; "1600 Pennsylvania Ave" ; "Washington" ; "DC" ; "20006" ; "US" ; 13 )
  Sample output:,Washington,DC,20006,US&zoom=13&size=338x251&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red| 1600+Pennsyvania+Ave,Washington,DC,20006,US/>

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Due to recent changes in the Google Maps API, some problems have arisen with displaying a map within a WebViewer. An error message is displayed that says "The Google Maps Embed API must be used in an iframe.". This function uses the Google Static Maps API rather than the normal interactive one. If you need an interactive map this CF won't work for you but if you just need to display a map for a Print layout or other purpose this will get you what you need.

Because the map is static (meaning no JavaScript), it loads much faster and it works in Preview Mode and in PDFs. It will also size the image it displays to the WebViewer assuming you have your WebViewer named. Finally, you can set the Zoom as a parameter. You can also edit the Marker for color and add a label if you wish with minor revisions to the calculation and the calc could also easily be revised to work with Long/Lat.

The original format for the "GoogleAddress" function from "menno" on FMForums for an iFrame based URL but has been heavily modified. I retained his Substitute() portion of the calculation which will convert various accented characters to non-accented (I've not had a chance to test this but I'm assuming it helps with addresses containing those characters).



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