CountValuesUnderAReference_CFpub ( ValuesListOf ; ReferenceValue ; NumValues )
Returns number of values under ReferenceValue
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Rafael Caballé adventoplus |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
From a list of numbers (as text) returns the number of them under a reference value
eos, Teg Feb 5, 2015 |
Try // CountOfValuesSmallerThanThreshold ( listOfValues ; thresholdValue ) Let ( [ ~check = GetValue ( listOfValues ; 1 ) ; ~found = Case ( IsEmpty ( ~check ) ; 0 ; ~check < thresholdValue ) ; ~rest = RightValues ( listOfValues ; ValueCount ( listOfValues ) - 1 ) ] ; $count + ~found + Case ( not IsEmpty ( ~rest ) ; CountOfValuesSmallerThanThreshold ( ~rest ; thresholdValue ) ; Let ( [ a = $count ; $count = "" ] ; a ) ) ) |
eos, Teg Feb 5, 2015 |
…no line indentation in reply box :-( | ||
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