OmitValues ( values ; omitList )
Returns "values" not in "omitList"
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Geoff Graham Renewlife |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Opposite of the built-in "FilterValues" function. Will return values from the left-hand parameter, "values", that are not in the right-hand parameter, "omitList". Both parameters are value lists.
Scrambled output caused by empty values in omitlist has been fixed.
Tim Owen, Sedona, AZ Aug 2, 2015 |
I have noted that the last value of the values parameter will not be evaluated correctly without a trailing paragraph return (¶), if that value is within the omitList. Following is a suggested revision, which adds the paragraph return character (¶) to the values parameter result via a var=expression parameter in the Let function: Let ( [ values = values & "¶" ; x = RightValues ( omitList ; 1 ) ] ; If ( x = "¶" ; OmitValues ( values ; LeftValues ( omitList ; ValueCount ( omitList ) -1 ) ) ; If ( ValueCount ( omitList ) > 1 ; OmitValues ( Substitute ( values ; x ; "" ) ; LeftValues ( omitList ; ValueCount ( omitList ) -1 ) ) ; Substitute ( values ; x ; "" ) ) ) ) Tim Owen Tim Owen Consulting, LLC. |
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