Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ETA ( StartTime ; Current ; OfTotal )

Gives the aproximate time a task will complete based on speed of each iteration

  Average rating: 4.3 (25 votes) Log in to vote

Lee Dolereit   Lee Dolereit
Sharp ABT

  Sample input:
ETA ( GetAsTime("12:58 PM") ; 200 ;1000 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

The ETA function will give you the estimated time a task will complete based on the time the task started, which iteration is currently being processed and the total number of iterations.
This can be useful for looping through large datasets during data processing, or can be used in conjunction with progress bars of any type.

Output is the estimated time of completion in HH:MM:SS.

To get the time remaining instead of the completion time, simply omit the 'ct +' from the 'remaintime' declaration.



unix   unix, Japan
Feb 24, 2015
Could be simpler

ct = Get(CurrentTime);
elapsed = ct - starttime
starttime + elapsed / Current * Oftotal
) // End Let

and, may be better to return timestamp for midnight.

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