Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Find Generation

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John Pollard   John Pollard
generic human studies

  Sample input:
a birthday
  Sample output:
Baby Boomer

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Just a calc to determine what "generation" a person was born according to the marketing mode people. I hope it's right.

Given a nice tight edit by vr, who clarified some issues about it. I suppose I should fix the astrological one as well.




comment   comment, VR
Mar 22, 2015
The Case() function returns the result of the FIRST test that returns true - so you could shorten the whole thing to just:

Let (
y = Year ( birthday )
Case (
y < 1900 ; "Too old" ;
y ≤ 1945 ; "Silent Majority" ;
y ≤ 1954 ; "Baby Boomer" ;
y ≤ 1965 ; "Gen Jones" ;
y ≤ 1976 ; "Gen X, Lost" ;
y ≤ 1994 ; "Gen, Y, Millennial" ;
y ≤ 2006 ; "Gen Z" ;
"Too young"


1. Year (date) returns a number; to compare it with another year (also a number) you should not quote that number - otherwise the comparison will be alphabetical instead of numeric. Not critical when all numbers are four digits long, but still good practice.

2. The parentheses around the comparison are redundant;

3. You can save the repeated evaluation of Year ( birthday ) by storing it in a variable.
John   John, Tightrope
Mar 22, 2015
Hey VR,

I appreciate this. Could you work this magic on the astrological calc? So that's updated as well.

There's a year and month date, so i'm not sure what the approach would be there, but this sure is a cleaner version.

Many thanks,

John   John, Tightrope
Mar 22, 2015
Old way it was, just for reference how not to do it.

Case( (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 3 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 21) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 4 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 19); "Aries";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 4 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 20) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 5 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 20); "Taurus";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 5 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 21) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 6 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 20); "Gemini";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 6 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 21) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 7 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 22); "Cancer";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 7 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 23) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 8 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 22); "Leo";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 8 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 23) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 9 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 22); "Virgo";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 9 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 23) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 10 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 22); "Libra";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 10 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 23) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 11 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 21); "Scorpio";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 11 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 22) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 12 and Day(c0_person_birthday) <= 21); "Sagittarius";
(Month(c0_person_birthday) = 12 and Day(c0_person_birthday) >= 22) or (Month(c0_person_birthday) = 1 and Day(c0_person_bi
unix   unix, Japan
Mar 22, 2015
use DayOfYear() and 1 somewhere for leap year.
comment   comment, VR
Mar 24, 2015
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