Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_WV_Ticker ( txt ; fontsize ; font_color ; bgnd_color ; direction ; speed )

create html-Ticker for Messages

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Benjamin Fehr   Benjamin Fehr - Show more from this author
EfficientBizz GmbH

  Sample input:
cf_WV_Ticker ( "hello and welcome to the world of WebViewer." ; 3 ; 000000 ; ffffff ; left ; 3 )
  Sample output:
a Webticker with Message: "hello and welcome to the world of WebViewer." moving from right-to-left.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Just place a web viewer on your layout with "cf_WV_Ticker" as the formula.
Attributes for 'direction' are:
up, down, left, right
Use web colors (hex-code) for text-color and bond-color.



Benjamin Fehr   Benjamin Fehr, EfficientBizz GmbH
Apr 11, 2015
There's a file I've uploaded to the FileMaker Community:
EfficientBizz   EfficientBizz, Zurich
May 14, 2016
This CF has been updated to deal with the new API introduced with iOS 9.
Though this insert was done between <head> AND <style Tag:
<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1.0\" />¶

see FMI Issue Report "WV rendering differences with FMGo 15 compared to FMGo 14"

and Description in Apple Developer Forum:

special thanks goes to user14047 and TSGal (FMI Tech Support)
EfficientBizz   EfficientBizz, Zurich
Sep 16, 2016
with changes with the Safari Webkit introduced with macOS Sierra AND iOS10, the Webticker was rendered in more than 1 Line.
With the current version of this CF, Text is embedded in no-line-break Tags (< nobr >) to keep it straight.

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