ItemIndexPosition ( Text ; SearchString )
To find the position of a value in a given list
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Saigopal Das Mindfire Solutions |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This one line function first trims the list upto the search string and then takes the valuecount which will be index position of the searched string.
Text ="1¶2¶14¶5¶222¶12¶22¶42¶11¶23¶44"
SearchString = "22"
Left ( Text ;Position ( ¶ & Text & ¶ ; ¶ & SearchString & ¶ ; 1 ; 1 ))
= "1¶2¶14¶5¶222¶12¶2"
ValueCount ("1¶2¶14¶5¶222¶12¶2" ) = 7
Tom Fitch Jul 30, 2015 |
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