Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

UX2FM_timestamp ( TheTimeDate ; Format )

transform UNIX (ISO) - Timestamp to FileMaker Timestamp

  Average rating: 4.6 (21 votes) Log in to vote

Markus Schneider   Markus Schneider
ReM Software

  Sample input:
  Sample output:
15.1.2013 12:25:00

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

given a UNIX (ISO) timestamp, the function gets the date, the time, or the timestamp in the FileMaker Format

UNIX timestamp: 2013-01-15T12:25:00
D -> 15.1.2013
DT -> 15.1.2013 12:25:00
T -> 12:25:00

Please note: The formatting (time, date..) for the result has to be specified using the inspector



unin   unin, Japan
Aug 11, 2015
The input may be called ISO format rather than UNIX timestamp (number of seconds from an epoch).
Olix   Olix, Brussels
Apr 24, 2017
Strange idea to write custom functions in other language than English...

Personnaly, i want to use it but don't understand.
Markus   Markus, COBIX Consult
Apr 24, 2017
in this case, it's better - since it uses the Swiss date-format... there are always problems with dates like 5.3.2017 - is it may or is it march...

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