Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

listFieldTypes ( listOfFields )

Returns a tab-delimited list of fields & field type info for every field on the current layout

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Andrew Sasaki   Andrew Sasaki - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
listFieldTypes ( FieldNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) )
  Sample output:
FileName Table Layout Field Option Type Index Repetitions
TestDB table1 table1 Text1 Standard Text Unindexed 1
TestDB table1 table1 RecordID Standard Number Unindexed 1

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Recursively processes fields on the current layout, listing metadata for each in a tab-delimited format with header. Assumption: the source value list is a list of fields on the current layout. Useful for documentation.

UPDATED 2017-06-07 to add suggestion from Giancarlo Meak.



Giancarlo Meak   Giancarlo Meak, Turin Italy
Nov 20, 2015
Thank you, very useful function :-)
I had to change a line to view fields called with underscore at the beginning like "__pk_id"
If anyone get this issue may consider changing this line from
firstValue = LeftWords ( LeftValues ( listOfFields ; 1 ) ; 10 ) ;
firstValue = Substitute(LeftValues ( listOfFields ; 1 ); ¶;"") ;

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