Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

While ( condition ; function ; limit )

Allows to use a while in FileMaker

  Average rating: 3.5 (89 votes) Log in to vote

Hisc   Hisc - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
$var = 0;
_ = while ( "$var<350000" ; "$var=$var+1"; "" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

this functions allows using a while function in FileMaker.
A limit of iterations may be specified; else, the limit will be set as 10000.
The function checks for error in the syntax of the condition and of the function



Hisc   Hisc, noplace
Sep 7, 2015
I'm sorry: I created this function and it's rated 1.1. I'm unaware of the problems in it. Please, comment here what is wrong with it:
- is the syntax failing?
- is there already another custom function that does the same?
- is it too slow? Too limited?
- is it lacking in technical capabilities or technical definition?
unin   unin, Japan
Sep 7, 2015
I wondered that yesterday I saw 5.0 on 2 votes become 2.0 on 40 votes now, but I think get it why.
This function is difficult to use, since it become infinite loop very easily if the parameters not given correctly, then FM freezes while recursion reached at limit of 500,000 (about 50sec). Many of trier might think this as something "crasher".

I like this type of challenge, but calling another recursive function in recursion makes easily up limit to about 50,000^2, isn't it?

And although if the result is correct, freezing (not responding) about 50sec is not kind for user.
Hisc   Hisc, noplace
Sep 8, 2015
I made some changes. I believe it will now be more suited to the needs.
It checks for error in the condition and in the function;
It establishes a limit for iteractions;

thanks for the help, Unin
Hisc   Hisc, noplace
Sep 8, 2015
Please, consider that the current rating – 2.1 stars – doesn't reflect in the actual code, which was heavily rewritten in 09/08/2015.

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