Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Replace a text string with bullets

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Tim Scoff   Tim Scoff
Medical Database Consultants

  Sample input:
HideText (1234)
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This recursive function takes a text string of any length and replaces every character with a bullet. This can be used to display a password field for entering a password without displaying the actual text entered into the field, such as when using the Account Management Script Steps to enable customers to create accounts in a solution without giving the customers full access to the solution.

Create a field named Password and another field named Display Password
Set Display Password = HideText ( Password ) and make it unstored
Set the text in the Password field on the layout to white, or whatever your background color is set to
Put the Password field directly behind the Display Password field and don't allow entry into the Display Password field

It almost duplicates the functionality of a standard password dialog box. The only problem is the bullets don't appear until after you tab out of the Password field.



Jo   Jo, New Zealand
Apr 22, 2010
Thanks! Fantastic!

& the problem of the bullets not appearing until after the field is exited can be resolved by a using a simple script-triggered script. instead of a second calculation field;

OnModify on the password field...

Set Field [ password; HideText(password)]
Commit Records
Go to Field [password]
Jo   Jo, New Zealand
Apr 22, 2010
ok - so not quite that simple; as the above script replaces the actual password with dots...

but I've got it working now via a shadow field & lots of parsing!
Paul Bourbeau   Paul Bourbeau, Drummondville
Dec 25, 2012
Use only one field Password. Don't need the second field.

Use the same Custom function...

Create a simple script (to use later as a trigger):
Insert calculated result[Select; Password; HideText (Password)]

In Layout mode, on that field choose those two triggers with the script:
Set script triggers
Sebastian   Sebastian, Lucern
Aug 26, 2013
Hi all

This function is fantastic. Exactly what I need.
How can I integrate the password verification process? Eg. Username and Password for Login processes.
On typing in the password it would replaced the text with bullets.
How can I copy the text input on keystokes to an other field to verify with the login?

Please help me. It would be great to add this easy function with this possibility.
Regards Sebastian

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