Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

stringToList ( theString )

a simple recursive CF to convert a string of characters into a list.

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Eduardo Lemos   Eduardo Lemos

  Sample input:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,"
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

since I could not find a custom function to do only this task, i decided to write one.
also, it may be modified to "explode" a sentence — for example:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet." into
Lorem i
Lorem ip
[ … ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

for such, rewrite it as,

Case (
Length ( theString ) > 1 ;
stringToList ( Left ( theString ; Length ( theString ) - 1 ) ) & "¶" & theString;

i also tested the CF with a 9956-character (17-paragraph) "Lorem ipsum;" even though it took over 15 seconds on a Mac Mini to have it fully "exploded," it did the job.
hope it helps;

cheers, all.



unix   unix, Japan
Jan 4, 2016
If you want speed, this takes about half time of yours.

Case (
Length ( theString ) < 2 ; theString ;
stringToList2 ( Left ( theString ; Ceiling ( Length ( theString ) / 2 ) ) ) & "¶" & stringToList2 ( Right ( theString ; Length ( theString ) / 2 ) )
Eduardo Lemos   Eduardo Lemos, Victoria, Canada /Sao Paulo, Brazil
Jan 8, 2016
hey, Unix,

thanks a lot — domo arigatô gozai masu!
a concise and quite clever approach; i shall try it.

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