combineMultiplyValues ( list1 ; list2 )
a short CF to sequentially multiply numeric values between two different lists
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Eduardo Lemos n/a |
ListB = "6¶5¶4¶3¶2"
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
given two numerical lists, this recursive CF performs a mathematical binary operation between their [same-position] values — for example:
List01 * List02
Val01 * Val01
Val02 * Val02
Val03 * Val03
Val[n] * Val[n]
further, the binary operator may be changed to "/" or "-" or "+" or "^."
for example: given the numeric list1 "2¶3¶4¶5" and list2 "9¶8¶7¶6";
using operator "*" the CF results "18¶24¶28¶30"
using operator "/" the CF results ".222¶.375¶.571¶.833"
using operator "+" the CF results "11¶11¶11¶11"
using operator "-" the CF results "-7¶-5¶-3¶-1" and
using operator "^" the CF results "512¶6561¶16384¶15625"
thanks to Jonathan Stark for writing such elegant CF, and i hope i may've helped the community.
Eduardo Lemos, Victoria, Canada /Sao Paulo, Brazil Dec 28, 2015 |
i tested the cf on all binary operations with lists using 10000 random values generated at textmechanic (; although it took over 20 seconds to handle some operations, the CF performed well. | ||
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