ContainsAll ( Text ; SearchStrings )
checks to see whether all values in SearchStrings are contained in Text
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Bill Thurmes - Show more from this author
ContainsAll ( "Jim,Charlie,Frank,Jane,Michelle,George,Kim,Chris" ; "Jim,Chris,Jane" )
ContainsAll ( "Jim,Charlie,Frank,Jane,Michelle,George,Kim,Chris" ; "Jim,Chris, Jane" )
ContainsAll ( "Jim,Jane" ; "m\,J" )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Determine whether Text contains ALL of the strings contained in SearchStrings ('and' logic)
In SearchStrings strings should be separated by commas, semicolons, or ¶
To include commas, semicolons, ¶ (to be matched) in SearchStrings, include \ before them
Restriction: the following !-containing strings may not be part of SearchStings: !c! !s! !p!
Similar to Position function but will assess several SearchStrings, gives 0 or 1 (No or Yes) as Result
Written in response to request from John Vermeulen
Updated April 2017 with no functional change, just easier-to-understand formatting and comments
A shortcoming of this occurred to me: the entirety of Text is evaluated for each new SearchStrings value. Thus, ContainsAll ("Mike,Pete" ; "Pete¶ete¶e\,P") would evaluate as 1, even though it's finding the same text over and over. The same would happen with the SearchString being "Pete¶Pete".
John Segers Jun 12, 2019 |
Thanks a lot, just the function I was looking for for so long but didn't manage to create on my own. And it works perfectly ;) | ||
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