Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

list_of_breaks ( integer ; _list )

Returns a defined number of pilcrows for delimited graph data

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Petter Derhaag   Petter Derhaag
The Next Organization

  Sample input:
list_of_breaks(5 ; "")
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

To make sure that my 'delimited data' filemaker graphs are shown correctly I want the possibility to make a 'list' of empty values. Because the List function always include a number of additional breaks, I created this recursive function.

Just enter the number of 'rows' you want and it is returned.

© - Petter Derhaag May 2015



comment   comment, VR
May 3, 2016
Petter   Petter, Bussum
May 4, 2016
Does indeed seem to exactly what I want. Does this mean I should remove this one? Happy to do so, don't know what the normal way of things is here.
Petter   Petter, Bussum
May 4, 2016
Testing the Repeat function ( - does work, however it also does end up with one break too many. Repeat(¶ ; 5) results in a list with 6 'rows'.
comment   comment, VR
May 5, 2016
I am not sure what you mean by "rows". Repeat ( ¶ ; 5 ) returns 5 carriage returns. And ValueCount ( Repeat ( ¶ ; 5 ) ) returns 5.
Petter   Petter, Bussum
May 6, 2016
By comparison, if you use Repeat ( ¶ & "." ; 5 ); you'll see that the list returns as:


For my purposes, the second row is where the '.' starts. This means there is one 'row' too many.
comment   comment, VR
May 6, 2016
Well, if you want 5 values of ".", you ought to be using Repeat ( "." & ¶ ; 5 ). What you have returns one empty value, followed by 5 values of "." each.

Note that a FileMaker list of values may or may not be terminated by a carriage return - it makes no diffference to value count.

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