AS_Files_Choose ( message ; allow_multiple ; default_location ; file_type_list ; global_result_field )
dialog to choose one or more files from a directory and return result to a global field
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Thomas Siebert - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
creates a dialog to choose one or more files from a directory
message = set a message on top of the window
allow_multiple = 1 or true to enable selection of multiple files using the command key
default_location = set a default location using standard FileMaker style path
file_type_list = set filters to allow selected file types as list "txt¶pdf"
result_field = the FileMaker field to return the result ( table::field ) using the current record.
Thomas Siebert Apr 22, 2017 |
- Name of CF changed - The field to return the script result should be a global text field |
Thomas Siebert Feb 20, 2018 |
better path's returning to FileMaker. better returning value to FileMaker |
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