Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

MD_RST_6% ( Taxable ; Exempt )

Maryland State 6% Retail Sales Tax

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Jeep Watson   Jeep Watson
Jeep Watson

  Sample input:
MD_RST_6% ( 6.33 ; 0 )
MD_RST_6% ( 6.34 ; 0 )
MD_RST_6% ( 6.34 ; 1 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Effective January 3, 2008, the Maryland sales and use tax rate is 6 percent, as follows (Note: The breaks are different for sales under $1 and over $1):

1 cent on each sale where the taxable price is 20 cents.
2 cents if the taxable price is at least 21 cents but less than 34 cents.
3 cents if the taxable price is at least 34 cents but less than 51 cents.
4 cents if the taxable price is at least 51 cents but less that 67 cents.
5 cents if the taxable price is at least 67 cents but less than 84 cents.
6 cents if the taxable price is at least 84 cents.

On each sale where the taxable price exceeds $1.00, the tax is 6 cents on each exact dollar, plus:
1 cent if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 1 cent but less than 17 cents.
2 cents if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 17 cents but less than 34 cents.
3 cents if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 34 cents but less than 51 cents.
4 cents if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 51 cents but less than 67 cents.
5 cents if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 67 cents but less than 84 cents.
6 cents if the excess over an exact dollar is at least 84 cents.



comment   comment, VR
Aug 6, 2016
I believe you could do simply:

Case (
Exempt or Amount < .2 ; 0 ;
Amount = .2 ; .01 ;
Ceiling ( 100 * Amount * .06 ) / 100
comment   comment, VR
Aug 6, 2016
Note that this assumes Amount is already rounded to whole cents. The regulations that you cite make the same assumption (otherwise there would be no tax on an amount of $0.209).

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