buttonbar.getActiveSegmentName ( buttonBarObjectName ; optional_listButtonBarSegments )
Returns the layout object name of the Button Bar Segment that is active. Useful for determining which button a user clicked.
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Cristos Lianides-Chin - Show more from this author
Codence https://www.codence.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
# buttonbar.getActiveSegmentName ( buttonBarObjectName ; optional_listButtonBarSegments )
## v1.0.0 2016-09-07
Returns the layout object name of the Button Bar Segment that is active. Useful for determining which button a user clicked.
buttonbar.getActiveSegmentName ( "headerNavigation_ButtonList" ; "" )
### buttonBarObjectName
- The name (from the Inspector) of the Button Bar layout object.
### optional_listButtonBarSegments
- Used for recursion, generally should be omitted (see "USAGE" section).
- The text label given to the button bar segment, e.g. `"CustomerOrders_bbs"`.
- Button Bar must have a name in the Inspector
- Each Segment of the Button Bar must have a name in the inspector
### [2016-09-07 cristos@anchorbuoysoftware.com](http://www.anchorbuoysoftware.com)
- Function created
- Based on suggestions from https://fmslug.slack.com/archives/general/p1473279629000181 by [Tony White](http://www.twdesigns.com)
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by BrianDunning.com. Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.