IsIP ( IP )
Checks if string entered is an IP address, returns true or false
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Hartger Visser Teuker Small Business Solutions |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Checks wether the values between the "." are between 0 and 255 (including zero, excluding 255).
Also checks if there are 3 periods in the tring.
Tim Cimbura, LuminFire Apr 29, 2011 |
I'm not sure this function works. The parsing of the 3rd argument is not correct and should be GetAsNumber ( Middle ( $IP ; Position ( $IP ; "." ; 1 ; 2 ) + 1 ; Position ( $IP ; "." ; 1 ; 3 ) - Position ( $IP ; "." ; 1 ; 2 ) -1 ) ) |
Andrew Clark, Altus Technologies Corporation Apr 1, 2022 |
The above function can find a.b.c.d to be a valid IP address as "" = 0 when comparing. Here s an alternative: Let ( [~IP=Substitute ( IP ; "." ; "¶" ); ~IP1 = GetAsNumber(GetValue(~IP;1)); ~IP2 = GetAsNumber(GetValue(~IP;2)); ~IP3 = GetAsNumber(GetValue(~IP;3)); ~IP4 = GetAsNumber(GetValue(~IP;4))]; If ( PatternCount (IP ; "." ) = 3 and not IsEmpty(~IP1) and ~IP1 ≤ 255 and ~IP1 ≥ 0 and not IsEmpty(~IP2) and ~IP2 ≤ 255 and ~IP2 ≥ 0 and not IsEmpty(~IP3) and ~IP3 ≤ 255 and ~IP3 ≥ 0 and not IsEmpty(~IP4) and ~IP4 ≤ 255 and ~IP4 ≥ 0 ; 1 ; 0 )) |
Andrew Clark, Altus Technologies Corporation Apr 1, 2022 |
After further testing, I made two changes: The first line is now "Let ( [~IP=Substitute (Filter(IP;".0123456789"); "." ; "¶" ); And instead of returning "1" or "0", I return a good IP address or "0" by replacing the 2nd to last line (the "1;") with "~IP1 & "." & ~IP2 & "." & ~IP3 & "." & ~IP4;" The reason I did this is 255.5a.45.8u was showing as a "1" as the GetAsNumber() ignored the letters. I could strip out the letters with the filter but then IP might not be usable as a valid IP address so instead of returning "1" or "true", I return the address deemed to be valid (in the case above, I would return "") |
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