FlexCeiling ( number ; precision )
An expanded "Ceiling" that accepts a precision argument
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Kevin Frank - Show more from this author
Kevin Frank & Associates https://filemakerhacks.com |
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; -2)
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; -1)
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; 0)
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; 1)
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; 2)
FlexCeiling( 123.341 ; 3)
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
While the Ceiling function by definition returns the smallest integer >= x, I found myself wishing it could accept a precision argument the way Round does. The FlexCeiling custom function allows this to happen.
Essentially, FlexCeiling is a "magic Round" that always makes a number larger -- regardless of whether that number is positive or negative -- whereas Rounding (via the Round function) a negative number "up" actually makes it smaller (more negative).
E.g., Round ( -4.7 ; 0 ) = -5 whereas FlexCeiling ( -4.7 ; 0 ) = -4
Note: see also the companion custom function, FlexFloor.
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