Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FirstPortalViewed ( PortalName ; FieldName ; n )

Determines the first fully visible portal row in a protal

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David   David - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
FirstPortalViewed ($PortalName, $FieldName;1 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

With filemakers tendency to reset a portal when you display a different record it is important to be able to return to the same portal. Use this function and a knowledge of how many portals are being displayed you can use the GOTO Portal by calculation to go to the record needed.'

If the function returns 8 and visible rows are 15 and total rows are 50 then the bottom row will be 8+15 or 23. Goto portal row 23 and your selection is back where you were.



19752   19752, Japan
Mar 6, 2017
You forgot to remove 3rd parameter in recursive call. Last line should be
Case( r > p ; n ; FirstPortalViewed(PortalName; FieldName; n+1))))

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