Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cfCall ( ExpressionCode ; Parameters )

cfCall() must be able to read and execute any type of custom function, simple, recursive or complex | cfCall() is part of the pair of functions fmDynamix and works in pair with #load ()

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Agnes Barouh   Agnes Barouh - Show more from this author
Tic Tac

  Sample input:
Depends on the function to play
cfCall ( $$_xmlSet ; #load ( "name" ) & #load ( "Pierre" ))
cfCall ( $$_CustomList ; #load ( 1 ) & #load ( 10 ) & #load ( "GetNthRecord ( Field ; [n] )" ))
  Sample output:
Variable result according to the requested function


  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

cfCall() works with #load()
cfCall() must be able to read and execute any type of custom function, simple, recursive or complex

More explanation here :
=> load and look the file "fmx_FmDynamix_Presentation.fmp12"


- cfCall() is part of the pair of functions fmDynamix and works in pair with #load ()
- The variables declared by #load() are retrieved and emptied by cfCall()
- cfCall() evaluates a calculation, whose optional parameters are passed through #load ()
- The result of cfCall () is variable

//---------------------------------- Parameter

• ExpressionCode: the code of your custom calculations, encapsulated beforehand by Encapsulate
• Parameters: Optional - Your parameters passed by #load()
• NPV : Optional - to avoid rewriting the cf name - only for non-recursive



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