match_LayoutTableName_List ( _TableNames_List )
match a list of names to the current LayoutTableName
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Thomas Siebert - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
match a list of names to the current LayoutTableName of the current layout.
returns 1 if the current LayoutTableName is equal to one of the names in the List.
If the current LayoutTableName is "offer"
LayoutTableName_match ( "person¶invoice" ) returns 0
If the current LayoutTableName is "invoice"
LayoutTableName_match ( "person¶invoice" ) returns 1
Agnès, France Mar 17, 2017 |
Hi, Why you don't use FilterValues ? Not isEmpty ( FilterValues ( _TableNames_List ; Get ( LayoutTableName ) ) ) |
Thomas Siebert Mar 17, 2017 |
Hi Agnes, thank you, good question, maybe I had some kind of blackout that moment I made it. FilterValues is much easyer. but I used my function for a long time and it is working perfectly. So who ever need that kind of function now has 2 versions of it. The easy version and the experimental version. :-) |
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