Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

FMListToJSONArray ( key ; fmList )

Translate a FileMaker list into a proper JSON Array without recursion.

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Michael Twisdale   Michael Twisdale - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
FMListToJSONArray ( "car" ; "" )
FMListToJSONArray ( "" ; "" )
FMListToJSONArray ( "car" ; "¶Ford¶¶BMW¶" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

For more see GitHub - twisdale/FMListToJSONArray: Translate a FileMaker list into a proper JSON Array .

Look at the Readme file.



Lewis Lorenz   Lewis Lorenz, Lorenz Companies
Jul 21, 2021
This is a great function. I ran into an issue where it does not produce valid JSON if a quotation mark (") is in a FM valuelist element. I tried using Quote on the valuelist and escaping the quote without success. Can you help with a solution?
Thank you.
Jason Lecureux   Jason Lecureux
Aug 27, 2024
Forgive my ignorance but what use cases does this cover as opposed to something simpler like:
Let ( [
fmList = "[\"" & Substitute ( fmList; ¶ ; "\",\"" ) & "\"]"
;obj = JSONSetElement ( ""; "key"; fmList; "" )

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