Too_Many_CAPS ( Field1 ; Field2 ; Field3 ; Field4 ; Field5 ; Field6 ; Field7 ; Field8 ; Field9 ; Percent )
Checks multiple fields at the same time to see if the percentage of capital letters are too high.
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Robert Schaub _ none |
Projects::Project Name ; Projects::Project Address ; Projects::Project City ; Projects::Project Description;Projects::Project Information ; Projects::Project Notes ; Projects::Project Type ;""; "";.3 )
It appears that you are using too many uppercase letters, Please clean up your text. Please do not use all CAPS, More than .3% of at least one field has too many CAPS
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Some users just refuse to turn of the CAP lock. It makes for an unprofessional look in the screen. I have created a field using the custom function and place it in the layout with no entry access on the field. It is also much larger Red Bold text with no borders and no fill. If the function is true it will display the message until the user goes back and remove some of the caps.
I have created up to 9 fields, If you do not want all 9 fields use empty quotes in the parameter. The calculation may not be pretty, but i works for now. Until I come up with a better way.
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