Quartic_Solver ( a, b, c , d, e, which_x )
Finds Real Roots of Quartic Equation a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 + d*x + e = 0
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Dr. Ronald W. Satz - Show more from this author
Transpower Corporation http://www.transpowercorp.com |
a = -20 ;
b = 5 ;
c = 17 ;
d = -29 ;
e = 87 ;
which_x = 1
] ;
Quartic_Solver ( a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; which_x )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
You can, of course, change the precision to whatever you want (or even take it off altogether). If the x you want is complex, you'll simply get a "?" for the result. For most problems in physical science, you will want a real root. But you may have to run the program up to four times to get the root which makes physical sense. Ref.: Wikipedia ("Quartic Function")
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