Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CopyMoveFile ( ~OriginalFilePath ; ~EndFilePath ; ~MacServerPath ; ~PCServerPath ; ~MoveOrCopy )

Move or Copy a file in Finder or Explorer using CMD or Terminal commands

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Reeve Schragger   Reeve Schragger
White Studio

  Sample input:
CopyMoveFile (
"X:/MainFolder/Subfolder/File.pdf" ;
"X:/MainFolder/NewFolder/FileCopied.pdf" ;
"/Volumes/DataServer/" ;
"X:/" ;
"C" ;
  Sample output:
do shell script "cp " & quoted form of "/Volumes/DataServer/MainFolder/Subfolder/File.pdf" & " " & quoted form of "/Volumes/DataServer/MainFolder/NewFolder/FileCopied.pdf"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

In my work I move lots of files around for printing and sometimes need to switch between platforms. I was sick of using my separate custom functions for doing this and having to re-program.
Now I can use 1 custom function. I can make a variable and pass it to BOTH an Applescript AND a Send Event step and, regardless of the platform, I will have a correctly formatted terminal command to run in the script step that works on that platform.

The only bit that is not obvious is the "~MacServerPath ; ~PCServerPath ;".
You will have "different" beginnings to a Mac and Windows address for the same file. For example;
Mac: "/Volumes/DataServer/MainFolder/Subfolder/File.pdf"
Win: "X:/MainFolder/Subfolder/File.pdf"

Therefore I use the substitute command where I would (in this case) replace "/Volumes/DataServer/" with "x:/" were I going onto a PC but the path was formed on the Mac (and the opposite).
90% of the time this step is unnecessary so I just put " 1 ; 1 ;" in there if the solution is a single platform job and it cancels itself out.

PS. This is my first upload, any constructive criticism would be appreciated



Stuart Rechter   Stuart Rechter
May 30, 2022
Hi Reeve, this looks really good. Is there a way I can check for an existing file with the same name on the new path, before running this function, so that I can sequentially number my file to make it unique before the move?

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