Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

fnValidMBI ( MBI )

Validate MBI (Medicare Beneficiary Identification)

  Average rating: 1.0 (1 vote) Log in to vote

Travis L. Herring   Travis L. Herring - Show more from this author
Travis L Herring MD PA

  Sample input:
  Sample output:
"Invalid MBI. There are not exactly 11 characters. Character value error at position(s) 10, 11."

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

FileMaker custom function fnValidMBI(MBI) checks the supplied MBI identification and returns an empty value if valid. If not valid, the return value is an explanation of errors found. This format and rules for MBI are to be implemented after April 2018 and replace the old format for MC numbers which were based on the social security number, SSN.

Note: Tests only for valid format of supplied value.
Note: I'm thinking the one-star rating may have been from someone who had the rating system backward! It works for me and as far as I know, nothing is wrong with it. (Or I would have fixed it.)



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